Published on July 11, 2006 By snowier In Blogging
Today while listening to ABBA and Jefferson Airplane I started reminiscing of the days of yore. You know the days of yikes black and white television and before cable TV existed. Yes I do remember those days. I also remember Z 80 chips, The WANG, The Apple IIIe, The first MAC and the days before the invention of the cell phone. I can remeber when there use to be billboard communications, I remember the first microwave and DVD player. Oh boy if I keep going at all the things I remember a few more grey hairs may pop out of my head. LOL
on Jul 11, 2006
The Apple III really sucked.  The II was the best Apple prior to the Mac SE.  And I got more grayhairs than you!
on Jul 11, 2006
I'm not that old (says the old lady) but I was shocked to find myself uttering these words "When I was a kid movie matinee's were only $2.50. I can't believe it's $5.75 to see a matinee now!"
on Jul 11, 2006
My childhood and teen years were in the eighties and early these days now think those times are SO ancient.
on Jul 11, 2006
Cell phones - I still not used to it.
I see someone holding their hand to the side of their head, talking to themselves.
I was taught to stay away from them!
on Jul 12, 2006
Well if you can pay $5.75 and see a movie in a regular movie theater that is cheap. I have to wait until major pictures go to the cheap theaters a mantinee around here is $7 and the evening $9 at the regular theater. At the "cheap" theater they're $5. I wind up renting videos occationally . I can rent 2 movies for 5 days and still pay less then $7 figure that one out. Most likely you do have more gray hairs recently I got my hair professionally done as a B-Day gift. As far as people talking to themselves go I do that all the time. I think it's scarier when people actually start answering themselves.