How much effort does it take to make some money this way?
Since I thought it a real wasted effort for someone to steal my 50 cent paper, I thought I would see how much effort it taks to collect bottles and actually make a little money. The period of time I conduted the experiment was just a little over a month. The total distance I walked was minamal so I'll say maybe 4 yards if that. On the first day I found half a case of empties just sitting in the parking lot. I cashed in my collecting efforts and my grand total for my efforts was $6.10. Not bad considering I didn't burn any gasoline collecting or cahing in cans. The bottle return place is only about four or five blocks away. Not only that this money was all just laying on the ground sort of speak, it took very little effort. Most of the cans I found just walking to the dumpster or to my car in the parking lot. Several I found on or near the stairs just getting my mail. Now I really truely don't get why someone was stealing my paper!!!! True I honestly don't see anyone really getting rich this way, but I don't know too many people who wouldn't take literally a free $6.10, without having to do very much to get it!