Am I the only fussy one that really doesn't like it?
Published on July 1, 2004 By snowier In Life Journals
Recently the local phone company released a "new" phone book. That is curently the worst one yet. There are several businesses that are either hard to find or not even in there. And even worse there is no listing at all at a very popular mall for its movie theater. Actually geting hold of a person at custmer service is so frustrating and almost impossible to reach a living breathing person. They attempted to include maps of the local area, but you might as well not waiste you time and just use a city map that can be baught at a gas station. Where the street guide indicates a road should be on a map that street is chopped off. It is hard enough reading a map with out part of it missing. I guess the only good part is you don't have to be good at origami to figure out how to fold it, which sometimes can be the case with the "old fashion" local maps at gas stations.
on Jul 01, 2004
I don't live in Syracuse, but I can say that I rarely use my phone book these days. Like maybe once in the past year. I almost always use the Internet to lookup data. All of the movie theaters in my town have their schedules online. All of the telephone directories have been digitized, so finding businesses is a snap.

I wonder if this behavior is prevalent. If so, maybe the publishers of your book feel a lessening need to provide a quality service to a smaller customer base.