Moving sucks
Published on May 20, 2008 By snowier In Life Journals

 Recently I went to look at an appartment . It was a great appartment. Being the honest and upright person I am I told the landlors I have a therapy animal. She said she might be ok with that until she asked what kind of animal it was. Once she found out my animal was a cat and not a dog she said she might still let me live there if I did a crimanal background check, credit check and paid a pet deposit on top of the security deposit. I was willing to do all that. I also had to pay a $15 application fee for the appartment. I paid the fee by check. Good thing I did!! Maily because she had mailed all that stuff back to me prior to calling me at 5:30 that night. The reason I know she mailed it to me is it was Friday and I got all my xeroxed stuff, background check and credit check all in my Saturday noon mail. Meaning it was all mailed and processed at the post office by 5 Pm Friday. So why did this lady tell me over the phone after 5 Pm Friday night that everything was checking out and she was still determining the amount of the pet deposit is beyond me. Then more lies came after I boldly asked her why she retured the stuff. She said she met with some lawyer Friday and he had advised her against renting to anyone with animals. However she had called my appartment manager asking her more questions around 7 pm Friday night. So Ok she met with a lawyer at 8PM on a Friday night?? Really I'd like to know what lawyers work that late on a Friday. Also I'm sapose to believe she didn't mail the stuff until Satuday. Not possible I use to work as a mail sorter snail mail just doesn't work that way. If she mailed it Satuday right at 8:30 in the mourningg no way would I have got it in the noon mail the same day. I wouldn't of got it until Monday. Maybe it's because I have no crimanal record and she couldn't find anything wrong with my credit report and my referances gave me a glowing review?? Maybe she's looking for a thug with a mile long record and somebody with the worst credit history in the world and refeances that say the person is an A-Hole?? Who Knows??

on May 20, 2008
Ok, I was going to read this but am not going to bother.

You need to use paragraph breaks. Nobody wants to read a single long run on paragraph like this. Good writing leads to good readership.
on May 20, 2008
she might still let me live there if I did a crimanal background check, credit check and paid a pet deposit on top of the security deposit.

That's where you should have walked. Anyone that cranky is going to make you jump through hoops about everything, and it probably still won't be good enough for them. That's not someone you want to deal with.

Don't be so desperate for a place that you put yourself in a bad position. Evaluate the prospective landlord as much as they evaluate you.

Who Knows??

She's a loon with a diffidence problem. Consider yourself lucky and find someplace good to move.

on May 20, 2008

I agree, the Paragraph breaks make reading so much better! I read this scanniningly because it was painful - I guess I was in the mood for torture!lol!  But I definitely agree that you should consider yourself lucky that you didn't move in at that woman's place!

on May 23, 2008

Sorry about the lack of paragraph breaks. It has been awhile since I wrote a blog. I was also not in a good mood when typing it. I'll note the suggestions. I am in sort of a desperate need to move I live two block from where the was a stabbing less than a month ago and I see more drug '"distribution" in the average week than I do when I go to the pharmacy. The worst part of it all is the drug dealers. I am lucky not to move in with a nit picking liar that is true!!