How low can it go without crashing?
Published on November 20, 2008 By snowier In Blogging

Inflation is nothing new and we might as well wake up and face the reality of the Recession already being here.  In general all of us by now have gotten use to the fact of most things costing more. Especially  gasoline and food. True the price of gas has fallen some, but is still rather high in some areas more than others.

The stock market keeps falling and many companies are failing. I could care less in some companies go out of business all together. However this is taking the entire economy down the toilet with it.

It is going to take a lot for things to improve even slightly. Luxery spending is at an all time low and that should be no surprise. When 90% of the population is using all there money to cover basic expenses and health care costs there is just nothing left to buy anything else.

It is a sad fact when I know there are people out there that have had to make the choice of whether they need shampoo or tooth paste more and still have to figure in how to pay their copays for their medication.

I personally have had to give up not only a Y membership, but also having cable in just the past three years. I also have limited drive to a very minimum trying not to drive more than twice a week. I'm just wondering if there is anything left for me to give up.


on Nov 20, 2008

Many people take an aspirin at he first sign of fever.  But fever is not the malady, but the body fighting the sickness.

So the body america is now fighting the sickness.  And like all maladies, it will take time to cure.  Removing the fever (the recession) will only allow the sickness to fester and rob the body of the ability to fight it.