Published on January 10, 2005 By snowier In Life Journals
Well Ok the title is a bit strange but I started my blog that way for 2 reasons; one being that using Americans wouldn't totally fit since more than just Americans use the Internet; two being first and formost we live on a planet that contains several contenants and Ameraca is only on one of those contenents. So some of you whom regularly read JoeUser may or may not have noticed I have not been blogging much that is just because there is not enough time in the day for me to do everything I would like to do. In fact I'm lucky if I can get half of it done lately. I guess I can blame that on my body it needs to eat and sleep and do a few other bodily things that all bodies do.... LOL. Other wise I could go nonstop not having to stop to do anything I didn't want to do. Unfortunately this is not the case.... oh well
on Jan 10, 2005
There are more then just americans out there? Wow, imagine that You can go without sleep and such, but then the phrase about things burning twice as bright for half as long comes into effect...
on Jan 31, 2005
Well, yes Sudanese, Porto Ricans, Bosnians , just to name a few.