Today out of the blue I wrote this well very weird poem. There are many of men that think with which that hangs between their legs They think women regard it as an idol made of gold Or that it is the center of the universe and everything gravitates towards it But alas us women think it more a dried shriveled Vienna sausage with mold on it And the only thing it tends to draw is hoards of flies
Well there is race that is a contest of speed and race that is each of the major divisions of humankind, having distict physical characteristics. With that being said what exactly is "white" the color of your skin or ancestrial background? There are "black" or African-American people that are so light they could be classified as "white". So if it ancestrial background well most of us are decendents of imigrants. The Polish and Irish were treated really badly when they first came here, but di...
Today we've got more gadgets and gismos than we need and know what to do with. However it is an improvement on the old like the Wang Computer, Atari,and 8-tracks. Opps there I go into prehistoric technology. Well most people know the headaches and problems with all the Microsoft Operating Systems and Internet Explorer too just get Opera save the headache. Besides all those lovely things the Pentium Chip has a major flaw itself. Then there's the fuss and over hype of DSL. Does anyone realize t...
Loaded like a pistol and taught how to die they look the enemy in the eye, and never surrender. Through trenches dug in the field, through mud and over the top of fences they go one by one. With no light and nothing inside. We're devided as nations, but as people we're one. In cith monuments among the flags, hidden in the shadows the order of battle is writen. Where people cry for a nations scars and heros sleep beneath blankets of stars. To young to die but not to play the general's g...