snowier's Articles In Life Journals
May 31, 2008 by snowier
    Where I live now is far from optimal, but at least nobody has been shot anywhere nearby. Yes drug dealers are abundant and such and there was somebody stabbed at another complex nearby. Also they had a lot of robberies by devious thieves.       Looking for an appartment has been lack luster and the only thing that has saved me some time and money is Map Quest. AHH thank goodnees that is a very useful tool. It has saved me lots of money in avoidin...
May 29, 2008 by snowier
     Recently I bought a DTV converter box and now after hours of putzing around trouble shouting of why I wasn't recieving any signal, and eventually finding the problem all is wonderfully fine. There is nothing like having 12 free channals of TV to choose from.        My problem was the  coaxil cable sent with my Zenith DTV converter box was nothing but a worthless piece of crap. It was the type that doesn't screw on, it just slides o...
May 20, 2008 by snowier
 Recently I went to look at an appartment . It was a great appartment. Being the honest and upright person I am I told the landlors I have a therapy animal. She said she might be ok with that until she asked what kind of animal it was. Once she found out my animal was a cat and not a dog she said she might still let me live there if I did a crimanal background check, credit check and paid a pet deposit on top of the security deposit. I was willing to do all that. I also had to pay a $...
December 5, 2007 by snowier
Well I've had two lousy days in the row and since nature has sent us lots of not so lovely snow, I'm sore from shoveling. So I decided to make up a silly/sarcastic song. I'm no professional songwritter and I made the words uo today as I walking down the street. So try to bear with me. Winter Blues melody the song (Silver Bells) Words by me, myself, and I City sidewalks full of snow 20" high will be 60 by the end of December because the city doesn't ensure anybody clears them For t...
June 17, 2007 by snowier
Almost every day I here on the news or read in the paper about one teen stabbing or shooting another teen over something trivial. However the latest thing I recently read made me think maybe some of our youth really need psycreatric help. In some high school lunch room one 16 or 17 year old stabbed another one just because they wouldn't share their cookies. Now that is utterly insane to stab somebody for cookies!! I don't care if your 12 or 22 I never ever heard of anybody stabbing somebody ...
March 12, 2007 by snowier
I took my cat to the vet, because he was losing fur and has a small bald spot near tail. The vet drew some blood and did a scraping and a few tests. The bill was only $60 not bad considering it is a vet bill. Anyhow nothing irregular showed up in tests. Phew good no buying medicine for my cat. However he thought it was diet related and recommended a couple choices in cat food. Neither was extremely more expensive than what i curently spend to feed my beast so I tried. One food made my cat vom...
January 10, 2005 by snowier
Well Ok the title is a bit strange but I started my blog that way for 2 reasons; one being that using Americans wouldn't totally fit since more than just Americans use the Internet; two being first and formost we live on a planet that contains several contenants and Ameraca is only on one of those contenents. So some of you whom regularly read JoeUser may or may not have noticed I have not been blogging much that is just because there is not enough time in the day for me to do everything I wo...
January 4, 2005 by snowier
Here we are into the first week of the New Year and really I haven't seen much change. We are still in a senseless war in Iraq. (Bin Ladin admitted involvement in 9/11) Things were going well after my knee surgery until I did 1 exercise that hurt like h&*%. Then My knee went back to hurting most the time and poping. I regret doing the phisical therapy exercise, but what can one do when that is what the doctor says to do. The only thing that has changed is I got rid of some of my junk and aqu...
January 1, 2005 by snowier
Well it is 2005 and I still do everything my rice crispies tell me to do ( you know snap, crackle, pop) especially pop if I popped any more I'd be pop corn. lol Well it's been that way ever since I did 1 physical therapy excersize that hurt like a few choice words I'll censor. However I happen to do one thing I got rid of some things I wasn't using and I didn't attribute or clog up the landfill or wherever it all goes more. I freecycled it's a great way to get rid of things like books, old to...
December 1, 2004 by snowier
Well December is here and we haven't had any accumalation of snow so ok here I go. Where did the snow go I hopenot on vacation I would like just senough that will stay on the ground awhile. I think 1 foot will do just enough to make snow balls, snow angels, go sleding or skiing, but not so much that the schools close or driving gets real hazardous. Snow is actually pretty for a little while and can be fun for a time. So ok just a foot of snow total from December 4th until January 28th sounds ...
July 22, 2004 by snowier
Today started normal enough I went and got some Xerox copies of some papers, and went to the laudramat. I have to go there because the laudry room in the building I live in is horrible, the machines are always dirty and the lint traps jammed with lint. Then I ran some more arrands and came home. As I was going in (Marie) who cleans the building pulled in the parking lot so I said hi to her. Then I went inside to do some housework because I was expecting company. Shortly after I started sweepi...
July 8, 2004 by snowier
Well as some of you already know I have one strange dude cat. He only eats diced or chunky style can food he won't even sniff the pate style. He takes one look and attempts to bury it into the kitchen floor. He loves dried cat food, always has. That is good because that is less expensive. Well recently he has been displaying less interest in his food, I think it is mostly due to how darn hot and humid it has been. However i decided to try a sugestion I got from a neighbor who has 1 cat. I put...
July 1, 2004 by snowier
Recently the local phone company released a "new" phone book. That is curently the worst one yet. There are several businesses that are either hard to find or not even in there. And even worse there is no listing at all at a very popular mall for its movie theater. Actually geting hold of a person at custmer service is so frustrating and almost impossible to reach a living breathing person. They attempted to include maps of the local area, but you might as well not waiste you time and just u...
June 30, 2004 by snowier
I have an "older" neighbor that has SIX cats. Yikes!! She also works part time. She has 5 females and one lone male all spayed and neutered. I know her cats well, because I had to "kitty" sit for her when she had one of her back operations. She will most likely need another one before the end of the year. She has had a bad back most of her life, but the surgeries are for a more recent injury in which she fractured some discs in her back. Now back to her "puttys" there is Miss Priss/prissey an...
June 29, 2004 by snowier
I think my cat is the weirdest animal in the world. When I first got him he would ride silently still on my lap when I drove him to his new home and when he was unsure where the litter box was he meows until it is pointed out to him. He also had the weirdest habit of surprising me by jumping in the tub while I was bathing. He just "lifeguards" now I think it's because he's a "mammoth" cat that weighs 18 lbs. I have to hide saltine crackers or he'll make a mess eating them. I will never forge...